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Build a world where
all girls have access to Period products

My name is Brooklyn Zimmerman and I am 17 years old. I am the creator of the nonprofit, Power to the Period.

My Story

I decided to create Power To The Period after helping on of my friends with his Non-Profit, Never Too Young To Care when I was 14. He was raising donations for Emily’s place, a safe house for women who suffer from domestic violence. When my mom and I went shopping for items to donate, I felt a big urge to donate feminine hygiene products. In fact, I refused to leave the store until we got some. At the time I knew that those products are a necessity, but I didn’t know how badly women need them. I didn’t know that feminine hygiene products aren’t donated a lot. I then created Power To The Period to help those women get what they need! I have supplies a women’s prison in Mexico with hygiene products and an orphanage in Africa with them too!

What we do

What I do is collect and distribute feminine hygiene products to women in need. Examples of places could be women’s shelters, homeless shelters, food pantries or detention centers.

What is Period Poverty?

Period poverty is when a woman doesn’t have access to the correct feminine hygiene products.

True or false: period poverty affects 2 in 5 people

True: Period poverty affects an estimated 500 million women world wide yearly

What are ways that one can help end Period Poverty?

-Donating feminine hygiene products 

-Donating money to places that will help end period poverty 

-Buying feminine hygiene products from brands that give back

Our numbers
that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.


Members Worldwide


Funds Raised


Women Helped


Products Provided

Support us and change the course of a woman’s life today!